Atticus is growing everyday.

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Saturday, May 21, 2011

My first flight - Week 24: Day 163

My first flight experience - From SFO to JFK- to attend daddy's PhD graduation ceremony.  It's a 6-hour domestic flight on Virgin America. Everything was smooth and we successfully gate-checked the carseat and stroller frame. Baby was quite exciting and he didn't seem nervous at all during the flight take-off and landing. Passengers sat around us were all amazed how quiet he was and he just acted so friendly to others.記緊 升降飛機時給bb 啜奶咀以舒緩耳壓,也要不停塗保濕。
Thanks for being a good flyer, baby!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Teething Toy - Month 5: Week 22

BB 開始識自己抽開個奶咀., 因為出牙仔,所以流好多口水, 搵左好耐想搵一件唔係made in China 既玩具,終於決定買法國手造的Sophie 長頸鹿公仔。

Monday, May 9, 2011

My first Solid Food - Rice Cereal

I was so excited about the first solid meal. The pediatrian said it is okay to feed him solid at 5-month old. So I have marked the calendar and always expecting this day to come. The first meal was rice cereal and it was not so messy as I expected. Good job, Atticus. :>
